South Farm Cider (2021)
Traditional Dry Cider
Fruity, Floral, Oak and Spice
Dry. Low acid. Soft tannin.
Redfield, Limbertwig, Arkansas Black, and Black Twig
A blend of cider apples (Redfield, Limbertwig, Arkansas Black, and Black Twig) were co-fermented with Vignoles grape skins. Both primary and secondary fermentations were conducted by native yeast and bacteria providing complex aroma and flavor. A portion of this cider (20%) was aged in freshly emptied Bourbon barrels from Kelvin Cooperage, while the remaining cider aged in Stainless steel tanks prior to blending and bottling on September 2, 2022. Bottle fermentation lasted 18 days finishing on September 20th. This cider is (non-riddled) still a bit cloudy but is loaded with fruity floral aroma and a bit of oak and spice. We feel this cider is a good bridge for folks that gravitate towards craft beer but are curious to try traditional dry cider.